Monday, June 4, 2012

Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!

"I'm the ghost with the most, Babe!" 

Tonight's addition is one that really takes me back.  I've always been a huge fan of the earlier Tim Burton movies (from Pee Wee on through Nightmare) and Beetlejuice in particular was one of my favorites growing up. 
Kenner's Beetlejuice line was pretty good overall athough some of the colors differed greatly from their onscreen counterparts presumably to make them more appealing; mostly noticably on Shishkabob Beetlejuice and Otho (not shown).  However the two looks here were relatively faithful and featured great likenesses even for the time.  Unfortunately there was never a figure of Lydia produced which I really would have liked to have seen as she's an integral part of the film.

Its worth noting that the heads on the "Spinhead" and "Show Time" versions (as well as a few others) have removable heads that revealed a smaller shrunken head underneath.  Of as a kid I had to have both so I could "customize" the iconic striped suit version with the normal head.


  1. That last image is too freaky! How Beetlejuice got a toyline and Aliens didn't is mind-boggling. Michael Keaton's gaping maw with bat ears and a carousel hat is far more frightening than anything on LV-426.

    1. I think w/ Beetlejuice it had more to do with the cartoon than anything else even though the toys are based on the film. I know they both came out right around the same time.

      Also I think the reaction to the original Alien figure from '79 kept Kenner from persuing another Aliens toyline. Shame too because the ones from the early 90s are pretty much crap compared to the source material. >:(

  2. Your custom "Classic Beetlejuice" is perfect. I just might have to find both of these figures so I can make one myself.

    1. Thanks, man! It shouldn't be too difficult to come by both figures for a decent price. They don't really go for much.
